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Community Direct Services, Inc. is a next-generation home health management company that delivers 24/7 direct care and mental health services to populations with developmental, intellectual, and behavioral health challenges across the continuum of care.

We take our services at CDS, Inc. personally because each of us have had personal experience in dealing with developmental, intellectual, or mental illness, either directly or through a loved one. We realized that the behavioral health system was broken and decided to take it upon ourselves to fix it by focusing on the people we serve, not their diagnoses or symptom sets. Each of us, and everyone we serve, is a person first, and a set of challenges second.

special woman showing her hands

We address the full range of developmental, intellectual, & behavioral health challenges, such as:

  • Mood (including Depression)
  • Autism
  • Anxiety
  • AD(H)D
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Intellectual, Educational, & Developmental
  • Relational & Family Dynamics
  • Down Syndrome

We employ teams of community health workers, direct support professionals, and licensed professionals to provide 24/7 support to even the most complex and underserved behavioral health populations. We contract with community services boards, outpatient facilities, hospital systems, payers, and primary care practice groups to extend the reach of their teams and programs, and care for individuals and families through our services.